Sandpiper Storm
by Allan Van Gasbeck
Sandpiper Storm
Allan Van Gasbeck
Photograph - Photography - Digital Photography & Digital Art By Allan C. Van Gasbeck
This image was captured on Cox Bay near Tofino, British Columbia in April of 2014. A swarm of sandpipers makes its way along the sea's edge with an oncoming squall in the background.
Featured in the FAA group AAA Images.
Featured in the FAA group All Natural Scenery Landscapes.
Featured in the FAA group Black and White Photography.
Featured in the FAA group Seashells and the Seashore.
Featured in the FAA group 10+.
Copyright Allan C. Van Gasbeck, 2014. All Rights Reserved.
May 17th, 2014
Comments (25)
Connie Handscomb
I love this capture of natural beauty, Allan; the flock of sandpipers an added element of interest. A strong feeling here of space & freedom. Years since a visit to this area; you've sparked a desire to go back .... soon!;))
Mr Bennett Kent
There are so many elements to this fascinating shot! The shadows of the flock, the beautifully frozen in time birds, the lines of breaking waves, the outline of the pine on the headline and finally the rain on the horizon. A perfectly captured moment